Lately I am a wreck. Not on the outside, just on the inside. And vocally. If you talk to me for more than 5 minutes you will realize that I have one thing, and one thing only on my mind. "My" babies. Obviously the details of the babies cases are not allowed to be public information. Heck, I don't even know that much about the cases if I did want to break the rules and blab about them. But we have had both the kids for around a year now. A year is the "magic" number for foster care. At that point the plan is supposed to change from reunification to some other sort of permanency, either adoption or guardianship. It doesn't always, sometimes they get extensions to get more time, and even when it does change, it can take months to do anything about it. Right now I feel like everything is so far up in the air I can barely see it. I love both of "my" babies so much, and although its unlikely to happen, I have a terrible feeling that ...