Polar Bear and Quail Day was a LOT of fun! This month our Mother Goose Time theme is A to Zoo animals, and although we have not been going in order, or doing everything, we are having a blast with the activities we have been doing. The first thing we did was play ZooGo - which was a zoo themed version of UNO. We talked about how animals like to play, and remembered what the Polar Bears at the zoo were doing when we saw them. Then we played. Thankfully the girls have been playing lots of games with Little Guy lately, including UNO so he had some idea what was going on. Little Guy won the first round, so I challenged him to a rematch. Which he also won. So basically I got my demolished by a three year old at ZooGo. While playing this fun game, Little Guy worked on matching colors, matching animals, taking turns, and being a good sport. Next we played a fun game about eggs and letters. I didn't feel like...