If I have said it once I will probably say it 6000 more times. Mother Goose Time is the ultimate theme creator. Every month we get a box PACKED full of curriculum that is matched perfectly to the month's theme. Storybooks, games, manipulatives, you name it, it "goes"!!! The Experience God add-on is no different. God is an Artist fits seamlessly with our Art Studio theme we had this month. It is SOOO true as well. God is the ULTIMATE artist. God made the world and everything in it! Even the best artist has never created anything more than tributes to the beauty God has created. Every month the Experience God Teacher's Kit comes with Story Cards. These cards usually have pictures related to the story that help the children remember. On the back is the story you read to them, complete with prompts to make it more interactive. This month was a little different, instead of 4-5 cards, we got seven cards, one for ea...