There are thousands of resources available to help you teach your children about God. An old-fashioned way of doing it is to teach them Catechism, a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians. I wanted to start teaching Little Guy Catechism, but couldn't find a printable, and didn't want to print off a whole long list. So here it is: My first printable! I am going to be sharing one list of about five questions each week. Sometimes it might be a few less questions, because some of the answers are longer than others, and my son is only three. If you would like to get an email when I post a new one, please sign up at the top of the sidebar! There will be two versions. One will have complete sentences for all answers and therefore be a little more difficult to memorize. A version with the traditional answers from the Catechism for Young Children...