So lately my blog has suffered from lack of use. I just can't think of what to write.
So this is a pretty boring entry. I had a birthday, on the 7th, so I am now officially old. Well not officially, but still. I am about 4-6 years older than I thought I would be at this point in my life (childless, living with a room mate in an apartment).
I get to baby-sit at my house now, which is awesome.
At the end of the month I am going to visit my family out of state. (Sorry trick-or-treaters, we won't be here to hand out candy) Which is fun, but sad. Fun for obvious reasons, sad because my husband works retail so he isn't allowed to have time off at the holidays. :( Hopefully they will head over here.

On Saturday I am going to the pumpkin patch. I'm borrowing (baby-sitting) my friends daughter to go along with me and my friend so we don't look quite as weird at the pumpkin patch.
Wow. This was a super exciting entry. That was an attempt at sarcasm, which never works in writing, except in dialogue, so we'll try again "Wow. This was a super exciting entry." she said sarcastically.
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She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
Keep this in mind while posting. If you are mean, I will delete your comment. You may have an opinion but you may not be insulting to other people who comment, my religion, or myself.