When I was 17 I heard from a few friends about a handy, dandy little shot that would keep you from getting your period. The Depo Provera shot. It is intended as birth control, and as I was not sexually active I didn't need it at all. But who could resist the temptation of no period? My mom of course told me no. Unfortunately for me, thanks to the progressive laws in the realm of birth control, it was quite easy for me to go get this nasty little injection without her permission, with only one little lie to the lady giving it to me ("Why yes, I am planning on being sexually active and want to be safe!"). My friend and I went together to get them. And they royally screwed up both of us. I didn't have any mood swings, or weight gain. I just had random periods. But pretty light and not troublesome. I had two or three of these shots, then decided that I really didn't need them, so I should probably quit getting them since they didn't even stop my period. ...