I love TV. It is kind of an addiction of mine (along with my smartphone and bubbly drinks - soda, not champagne)... One thing I notice is that all the comedy shows that I like (or sort of like) have one character that I wish would just go away. Usually this character is a fan favorite, and does almost nothing but make dirty jokes and do completely inappropriate things for his (yes it is always a male) own gains. The other thing that these people do is rarely interact with the other characters on a meaningful level, the show could most definitely go on without them and you wouldn't even notice. Sometimes they might have the majority of screen time in some episodes, but they do nothing to pull along the main story line. I feel like these characters ruin shows, and wish there were more shows without this guy. Here is a list of some of the "people" I am talking about: Russell Russell from Rules of Engagement Roger from American Dad Stewie from Famil...