Soft kitty, warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty, sleepy kitty Purr, purr, purr Hopefully Chuck Lorre and CBS forgive me for my (possible) copyright infringement. Okay, I admit it, I let Michael talk me into getting a cat. But it wasn't my fault! He took me to these peoples house, and they handed me an adorable kitty that can easily fit in my hands and is only like 5-6 weeks old (poor thing was abandoned by his mama cat). What was I supposed to do? So now we have a cat and a dog. My dog is not super impressed by this and is having a panic attack that she can't get at the kitty. But when we let her out (while we held onto her) we couldn't tell if she wanted to give it puppy kisses or eat it for dinner... So we thought it best not to find out. She did give it a nice bath through the bars of the kennel though. And just to give you an idea of how tiny she is, ...