Do you like doing laundry? No?? That's okay, me neither. Well that isn't true. I like sorting, washing, and drying my laundry, I just hate folding it. I would say I hate putting it away, but since I rarely get to that part, I don't really mind it much. Yup, my family lives out of laundry baskets. One thing I hate about doing laundry is static electricity. Something I hate more is fabric softener. I am not sure that I have ever used fabric softener as an adult, since its full of chemicals (not unlike laundry soap, which I do use... Hmmm, I am a little inconsistant...) and ruins your towels absorbancy. So imagine my delight when I was selected to review Woolzies! Woolzies are 100% pure New Zealand wool dryer balls. A picture of the Woolzies. I am a terrible photographer and probably should have inquired about stock photos before I wrote this. But since the review had to be done by today and I mak...