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Rachel Sucks At Life

I have not blogged for a little while because I am sucking at life.  When I just had Miss Baby this parenting thing was a piece of cake.  My life didn't really change at all, except there was a sweet little girl added to it.  When Little Guy got to our home in October things got a lot harder.  He is a great baby (if you ignore the high pitched screech thing he does when he gets mad, or the biting he has been doing lately) and on his own isn't any trouble at all.  I don't know if it was "sibling" rivalry or just an age thing, but as soon as Little Guy joined our "family" Miss Baby started acting up a lot more.  At this point my life changed a little.  It was less pleasant than before, I yelled more than I would like to (Miss Baby is smart and would always decide to do things she isn't supposed to when I was in the middle of a bottle or diaper change with the baby), and I felt a little more stuck at home.  I had no problem having Miss Baby tag along with me wherever I went, but having two kids that need to be held to some degree makes simple trips a lot less fun.

Then on Valentine's Day Spiderman (I am not good at this nickname thing LOL) - a three year old little boy - joined our home.  And since that day, I have sucked at life.  My house has not actually been clean since he got here.  Dishes and laundry get done, but I could count on one hand how often I have vacuumed in the last month and a half.  I spend a good part of any given day yelling at the various children.  I get flaming mad over stupid little mistakes, and I don't think I have ate anything with food value in the last 2 weeks, because I am constantly craving the comforts of salt, sugar and fat.

Spiderman is not a bad kid.  He is actually a pretty good kid.  No behavior problems, semi-obedient, eats well, sleeps well.  BUT he is three.  Miss Baby is two.  Hadlee is four.  And Little Guy is 11 months.  Hadlee and Spiderman fight like cats and dogs.  Miss Baby and Spiderman fight like cats and dogs.  I change somewhere between 15-20 diapers a day (all three of the youngest kids are in diapers, the two in the middle should be potty trained but like I said, I am sucking at life).  Little Guy is into everything.  Rules that the girls had no problem following before are now questioned and broken constantly.

And I am trapped at home all the time.  We literally cannot fit all the car seats in our car.  My husband started a new job today, and he is now driving 3 hours a day to commute.  Our car got bad gas mileage and we owe a lot on it so we couldn't afford the miles on the car.  So we traded our 2008 BMW for a 1989 Toyota Camry.  And while I now I will feel a lot less ridiculous when I park at Goodwill, we have no way of going anywhere as a family without first borrowing a car.  It is also a stick with an old clutch and no tachometer, making it horrifying to drive if you have to stop on a hill.  To get to town I have to go up a hill with a stop light at the top of it.

Basically I am depressed and overwhelmed and as I said earlier, sucking at life.  I am pretty sure I will "fall pregnant" in the near future, just to add one more thing to my overflowing plate.


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