I recently read a post on a blog. It was about how coloring books stifle creativity. You should just hand your kids plain paper.
However, I realized that I don't care one iota about cultivating creativity.
I have seen a chart that was ripped to shreds on a Facebook post explaining good coloring vs. bad coloring. I really want to make one myself. Abstract art is NOT my thing. In fact I think that most abstract art is either atrocious or looks like a small child did it.
However, I realized that I don't care one iota about cultivating creativity.
I have seen a chart that was ripped to shreds on a Facebook post explaining good coloring vs. bad coloring. I really want to make one myself. Abstract art is NOT my thing. In fact I think that most abstract art is either atrocious or looks like a small child did it.
I have a wonderful picture that Miss Baby colored. She did it SO well. I told her what colors to color everything, and she did such a good job not scribbling (keep in mind she is 2!). I was so pleased with her good work!!!
After seeing the chart and reading about the perils of coloring books, I got to thinking about what I care about in regards to my kids. That post will be done later. This post is about what I don't care about.
- Creativity: I believe that God appreciates the creations of his creations, as evidenced by the inclusion of Psalms and Song of Solomon in the Holy Bible. While I can definitely appreciate good art, music, or writing, I don't really care if my children are creative or not. If they are, and can channel that into something that glorifies the Lord, not themselves, then I will be happy for them, and appreciate their talents. If they are not, then I will still be happy for them.
- Intelligence: Everyone wants their children to succeed. Most people want their children to EXCEED. I don't care if my children are smart. If "book learning" isn't their forte, I am okay with that. As long as they do the best they can, I wouldn't push them to do better. If their best is amazing, then I will be happy for them that some things come easy, if their best is less than impressive, I will be happy with them that they tried their best.
- Athleticism: So many people hope that their children will be great sports players. Not me. If they enjoy playing sports, that is wonderful. If they don't that is fine. If they suck at them, that is okay, and other than completing what they start, I won't push them. Should sports help them get a scholarship or even amazingly let them play a game as a living, I will be happy for them, but if they are clumsy and ridiculously bad, I will just commiserate with them :)
- Wealth: Everyone wants better for their children then they had. I am no different (as you will see in the next post), but not in a financial way. I don't want my children to suffer from poverty, but I don't care that they are rich, or that they are not poor.
Tomorrow (or perhaps next year sometime, knowing how well I post) I will post about the things I do care about my children being/having, and am trying so hard to cultivate in my children.
What do NOT care about in your children?
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She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
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