Today my brother left for his first deployment. When he enlisted in the Army, I was less than supportive. I love my little brother, and don't want him in harm's way. I did what I could to discourage him, to keep him safe. However since he doesn't tend to take my advice, he joined up anyway. Me and my baby brother a million years ago! Last night I talked to him a couple hours before he had to leave to Kuwait before going on to Iraq. While talking to him, I realized that although I think his excitement to deploy is a bit misplaced, I am proud of him. I don't know why most people join the Army, but I believe that my brother joined because he truly wants to do his duty to protect the people he loves (and other people of course). His choice to deploy (it was a choice because he has moderate asthma and could have chosen to be medically discharged or "non-deployable") is a reflection of his dedication to the commitment he made. For our country to b...