A long time ago, and I mean A LONG TIME AGO, I received some curriculum to try. It was called Reading Horizons Discovery, and it is designed to teach children, between 4 and 9 years old, how to read. I was supposed to review it, and honestly, there have been a couple of points in time where I got super excited about all the products that people would send me to review, and ended up really, really overwhelmed and didn't manage to review them all. I used this quite some time ago, with a little girl I used to baby-sit, and didn't get very far because she started preschool and our time together was shortened. I will do my best to give a proper review from what I remember. The program comes with 6 guides, a number of flash/review cards, a games supplement, posters, and story books for each level. It is an incredibly thorough program, and very easy to teach, with it all scripted out for you in the guides. A lot of work is done on a white board, and there are no w...