Little Guy and I took a bit of a break from Mother Goose Time when Baby Girl came into our home. She was brand new, and I had another baby at the time and we were not getting anything done school wise, so I wasn't doing well blogging. I was generously offered maternity leave, which was great! I love Mother Goose Time, and am really excited to be back to using it. While Little Guy is great at his workbooks and flash cards, I know that he really enjoys the hands-on, learn through play model that Mother Goose Time uses. I firmly believe that you should teach a child in a multitude of ways, so he learns to be a good learner, no matter what teaching style someone might have. Plus arts and crafts are fun! This month our theme is Nursery Rhymes. I love nursery rhymes, and Little Guy probably knows most of them already, but I know we are both going to enjoy doing related activities. We also have a new "student", a two year old litt...