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Back to School with Mother Goose Time

Little Guy and I took a bit of a break from Mother Goose Time when Baby Girl came into our home.  She was brand new, and I had another baby at the time and we were not getting anything done school wise, so I wasn't doing well blogging.  I was generously offered maternity leave, which was great! 

I love Mother Goose Time, and am really excited to be back to using it.  While Little Guy is great at his workbooks and flash cards, I know that he really enjoys the hands-on, learn through play model that Mother Goose Time uses.  I firmly believe that you should teach a child in a multitude of ways, so he learns to be a good learner, no matter what teaching style someone might have.  Plus arts and crafts are fun! 

This month our theme is Nursery Rhymes.  I love nursery rhymes, and Little Guy probably knows most of them already, but I know we are both going to enjoy doing related activities.  We also have a new "student", a two year old little girl I baby-sit. For the blog I will call her Little Girl.

We started a day early, because I was to excited to wait!  Today's rhyme was This Little Piggy.  We started off our month as we usually do: Nametags, with an activity called Which Piggy?.  I wrote Little Girl's name, which she was supposed to trace over, but really she just scribbled on it a little bit.  Little Guy wrote his name, and did the most perfect "a" I have seen him do.  Then we all drew pictures of pigs. 

After we had written our names and drew our pictures, we put the pictures face down on the floor, with the nametags in the middle.  We said "This Little Piggy" while walking in a circle, then we took turns flipping over a picture and matching the picture to the nametag of the person that drew it.  The directions were a little bit different, I was supposed to flip them over and then let the person who drew the picture come and find their nametag, but I didn't read the directions very well apparently.

PIG PICTURES - Little Guy's, Mine, Little Girl's

We also made ADORABLE Piggy Puppets.  Seriously, these are so cute!  Little Guy did a lot of the work on his puppets himself, which was pretty cool.  He needed some help folding them in the correct spot, but he taped them himself.  He also noticed that all the pig noses were a little different.  When it was time to decorate them, I was really impressed because he looked at the example on the Make and Play card and then gave the same accessory to the same pig (they all have their arms in different positions), with no prompting from me.  I love to see him following implied directions without my input.  We played with them a little bit, but it was lunch time. 

There were a couple more activities that we didn't get to.  But I am trying to be okay with that.  Rather than be worried about what we didn't do, we are going to focus on what we did well!  I've never been very good at doing everything, but I always felt guilty about it.  No MORE!  Isn't that one of the benefits of homeschooling?  The curriculum works for you, not the other way around? 

I receive Mother Goose Time for free in exchange for sharing our experiences.  All opinions are my own.


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