After wasting a good part of my afternoon reading the entries on , this analogy came up. I love it alot and wanted to share it with all six of my followers. I did NOT write this, a lady named Robyn did, and said anyone was welcome to it: "There has been quite a bit of comparison between childbirth and car accidents. Thinking about this analogy really shows you the two different forms of thinking. The natural childbirth advocates see the childbirth process as a car ride. They take safe driving precautions (such as proper diet, exercise, and taking their prental vitamins). Most have their seat belt (midwife in the event of minor complications) and air bag (hospital transfer in the event of major complications) in place in the event of getting into an accident (birth crisis). Modern obstetrics, however, views the childbirth process as a wreck in progress. They make every attempt they possibly can to save women from the wreckage that is childbirth. ...