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Showing posts from 2010

Babies and No Babies...

On Wednesday one of my best friends had a little girl.  Her name is Gabriella and she is adorable.  9 lbs. 14 ozs, vaginal delivery with no drugs of any sort (other some Vicadin after she was born : P  )  This is pretty awesome, since some people think that big babies require c-sections, and I would say almost 10 pounds is a pretty good sized baby.  YAY Melissa! Yesterday my baby sister (Noelle-who is 15 and not really a baby at all), my friend (Brittany) and I went to meet the new baby.  We took the little girl I baby-sit (Hadlee-who is 13 months) with us.  Now Noelle is the baby of the family and as such has not really had much experience with diapers.  But she changed all of the diapers while she stayed with me as I thought that she could use the practice.  She had gotten the baby up from her nap and changed her poopy diaper without any help from me at all.  I was there, and offered to help but she wanted to do it herself. ...

What I Got For Christmas!

This seems like a rather materialistic entry/list, but really its a way of showing gratitude for the things that people got me.  And I pretty much made out like a bandit this Christmas.  -3 seasons of The Girls Next Door (with more to come when they are done being on back-order) -A Mary-Kate and Ashley package (3 seasons of Full House, a Mary Kate and Ashley Hawaiian party movie, Passport to Paris, How the West Was Fun, and When in Rome) These were from my mum, who started out just getting the Full House seasons, but kept finding more stuff to add on to it.  I am a loser so I think its awesome! -Gift Cards Galore!  $25 to Joann's, $25 to Borders, $25 to Old Navy, $15 to Hancock Fabrics, plus Michael and I got a $25 Olive Garden card, $25 Regal card, and 2 movie tickets.  I also $25 in cash.  I want to go shopping!!! -Somewhere In Time - My sister remembered how I always watched that movie. -Ramona and Beezus - My baby sister and I had been planning on...

Merry Christmas!!!

I am quite late on my Christmas post.  But I thought it would be pretty lame if I actually blogged on Christmas.  -tangent- I don't want to say "blogged" or "skyped" or "facebooking" anymore.  These are not real verbs and should not be treated as such. I had a wonderful Christmas.  I missed being with my family, but since they live far away and are all in pieces now anyways, its easier anyways.  Plus since Michael works retail we can't get time off around Christmas anyways.  It wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, seeing as how I make plans for things without talking to other people about them, but it was nice anyways. On Christmas morning you would think I was 5 years old again.  I got up at 8 am.  After going to bed around 2 or so.  I couldn't wait to open my presents.  Unfortunately my dear husband does not get nearly as excited about things as I do, so I laid in bed playing games on my phone for an hour and a half.  Finally I...

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

3%.  That is a chance that I will get a white Christmas in my area of the state.  And thats just 1 inch of snow.  Pretty sure that 5+ inches is a 0% chance.  This makes me sad, because I would LOVE a white Christmas, and I don't want to have to go to Vermont to get it.  I am not explaining this, if you don't understand, its not my fault.  Go watch some classic Christmas movies and get back to me. I am all done with buying and wrapping my Christmas presents, my house is decorated, my tree is decorated (although how rarely Michael is watering it is a cause for concern).  I baked cookies and gingerbread, but still have fudge to make, because last time it didn't set.  I need to put the Christmas boxes back in storage, then I will post pictures of my lovely Christmasy home.  I also need to clean before pictures, because I have been lazy lately. One thing that makes me sad is that I don't have TV.  Most of the time I don't care, but I LOVE...

Waiting For Auntie (TMI)

So I was supposed to start my period LAST Monday.  That was the 6th.  It is now the 15th and no sign of it.  Thats NINE days late.  Last Tuesday I took a pregnancy test, and only got one horrid little line (which is what I was expecting). That is not to much information.  This is though: On Saturday I started to spot.  Oh, here it is.  I ALWAYS spot for like 3 days before my period, which is really obnoxious.  So I figured, oh well on Monday I guess I'll start bleeding.  Except on Monday I STOPPED bleeding entirely, and it hasn't came back at all.  WTF?!?!?! So tomorrow I am going to test again, because something is wrong with me.  Its called impatience.  I won't believe it if it tells me I am pregnant.  Its a digital test, and I have read that they are the only tests that give false positives.  So far I can't even get a FALSE positive.  But whatever. 


I am steadily getting fat (I also played CandyLand for two hours today).  I am not there yet, but I am certainly not going to be called skinny anytime soon, unless its by an obese person, who probably would consider me to be skinny.  But the skinny people wouldn't call me one of them anymore.  Which is sad.  I never really thought I was pretty, just average, but what I really had going for me was being skinny with big boobs.  Now I just have big boobs, which isn't nearly as uncommon.  I'm not overweight, and if I could guarantee I wouldn't gain anymore weight, I probably wouldn't care.  I have gained about 10 pounds in the last 3 years.  Not that much, only 3.33 pounds a year.  Alright, lets times that by 21... I am of course using the calculator to do this... 69.93 pounds.  116 + 70 = 186.  At 45 I will not be considered in a healthy weight range.  I also won't be able to look at myself naked.  Not that I like to d...

Patience Is NOT My Thing...

So. I am a little impatient.  I mean, I can wait for things, like I have crappy everything because I would prefer not to spend money on things I don't NEED.  But I was suppossed to start my period today, and as of last check, Aunt Flo is not here yet.  I have two pregnancy tests sitting in a drawer.  I have not been late in FOREVER.  Well thats not true, but the times I have been late I have been keeping track of my temperature so I know that although my cycle is longer than usual, I also ovulated late. So mathematically speaking: LATE PERIOD +PREGNANCY TEST SITTING IN A DRAWER =RACHEL WASTING A PREGNANCY TEST After 3+ years, I am pretty sure that I am not getting pregnant without medical intervention, but I still keep hoping and wasting money cause I am silly like that.

Car Rides And Childbirth

After wasting a good part of my afternoon reading the entries on , this analogy came up.  I love it alot and wanted to share it with all six of my followers.  I did NOT write this, a lady named Robyn did, and said anyone was welcome to it: "There has been quite a bit of comparison between childbirth and car accidents. Thinking about this analogy really shows you the two different forms of thinking. The natural childbirth advocates see the childbirth process as a car ride. They take safe driving precautions (such as proper diet, exercise, and taking their prental vitamins). Most have their seat belt (midwife in the event of minor complications) and air bag (hospital transfer in the event of major complications) in place in the event of getting into an accident (birth crisis). Modern obstetrics, however, views the childbirth process as a wreck in progress. They make every attempt they possibly can to save women from the wreckage that is childbirth. ...

Whatever. I Never Finish Anything I Start, So Something New.

Today I decided to decorate my computer for Christmas.  So I set about getting new wallpaper for the screen.  This was a bad idea. There were a few Christmasy pictures, quite a few movie stills, some blood covered half naked girls from a movie called Black Christmas, an adorable picture of babies in Santa hats (which I tried to use and I could have avoided this whole burn my eyes out ordeal if it had let me), some weird anime that may or may not have been Christmasy and porn.  I am not a complete prude.  Okay well mostly I am, but I don't really care about seeing pictures of naked girls, after all, sometimes, like when I take a shower or change my clothes, I am a naked girl.  But apparently naked girls are not slutty enough for some people.  They have to take it about 986 steps further.  What on earth possesses you to put on a Santa hat, spread your legs, stick something in an exit only place, take a picture and then POST IT ON THE I...

Today I Am Thankful For My Sewing Machine & Other Crafts

I spend a good portion of my freetime staring at a screen.  This time used to be pretty evenly split between the television set and the computer, but since we moved out we had to choose between the two for finacial reasons.  Obviously the internet won. That is my favorite thing about my sewing machine.  Its something entertaining to do that doesn't involve staring at a box of light and pictures.  I don't do it all the time, because I don't always have the supplies I need to make things, but I try to get out the sewing at least once a month.  Mostly I just make baby things, because stuff for me is to expensive to make, since it requires more fabric.  Plus when I have babies I can make them wear the stuff I made no matter how ridiculous it looks.  Baby stuff is also wonderful because it can usually be made quite quickly.  Most of sewing is actually cutting and pinning.  I try and use flannel alot because it doesn't really need to be pinne...

Today I Am Thankful For Video Cassette Tapes and Goodwill For Still Selling the VCRs to Play Them

I am not a technology fan.  Okay, I kind of am, but its way more of a love/hate thing.  Take the internet for example.  I think its the devil, but have no idea how to function without it.  I also love the ability to bore random people with my random thoughts :)  But I could not get somewhere I have never been before without the internet.  I would never know how much money I had without the internet.  I would never see distant aquantainces babies without the internet.  I see its purpose and its useful. DVDs not so much.  Blu-Ray?  Not at all. I love that with a video cassette, it stays right where you stopped it.  I love that you are not forced to watch the FBI warning that no one listens to anyway so far as I can tell from looking at various people's movie collections.  I like the basicness of it.  I like the ease of recording from the TV onto the VHS.  One good thing about DVDs and Blu-Rays though.  Now al...

Today I Am Thankful For Books

I love books. I have 3 bookshelves full of them, in my tiny little apartment. My husband is not impressed with this, or with my habit of picking up more whenever I have the money. I ALWAYS get them used, so its not a huge financial investment, just a space investment. Some books entertain, some books educate, and some really good books do both. Although I am mad at Amazon, due to the publishing of a disgusting book, I am going to untilize the little widget thing and list some of the highlights of my living room bookshelf. Sorry for the craptastic layout... I can't make it work today.

Today I Am Thankful For My Job

I love my job.  I get paid to do exactly what I hope to do for free as soon as my body can figure out how to get pregnant.  Most people can't say that. Best parts of my job: 1. Playing is pretty much my main activity. 2. An awesome excuse to buy toys and books. 3. My job literally consists of me relaxing on the floor for a portion of the day.  Babies like to play with you on their level.  And use you as a human jungle gym. 4. I can keep my house clean(ish) and husband fed while being "at" work.  5. Babies sleep half the day.  Although I love playing with her while she is awake, the fact that 4 out of 9 nine working hours I am free to be doing pretty much whatever I want is certainly a perk. 6. It makes me feel very loved.  When her mom drops her off and says she gets all happy and excited when she says they are going to my house it makes me happy :) 7. Sometimes kids really do say the darndest things.  Like yesterday when the 4 year ...

Today I Am Thankful For Totaled Cars

This is actually all about my husband, who I might not have ever married if it were not for a totaled car :) I didn't really date much before I got married, I wasn's a seriel dater like most high schoolers, I was more of the obsessed with one guy that doesn't really have any interest in me type.  Even my husband and I didn't date very much.  Mostly we were friends that made out alot for a while (I'm only a tiny bit of a whore, not really a whore I promise), like a month or two.  Poor Michael asked me to be his girlfriend like 3 times and I kept telling him no.  Not because I didn't like him, but because I had not really dated much before and had always gotten bored after like a month or less the two times I did have a boyfriend.  Plus he was supposed to be moving to Washington for school in a few months, and I didn't want a boyfriend that lived in another state.  My family lives in Idaho, and Michael and I were going to go over to visit one rainy nigh...

Today I Am Thankful For Underwear (and Socks and Bras)

Okay, whenever my family would go around the table and say what they were thankful for, I would always say socks or underwear.  It kept me from having to get all sappy, plus they are really great. Reasons that undergarments are wonderful: 1. Less laundry.  You would have to wash your pants everytime you wore them if it were not for underwear.  Or at least I hope you would wash them everytime.  Washing your pants less makes them last longer, so underwear actually save you money (well unless you buy $20 underwear or something, but thats your own bad since you can buy them for about $1.25 at Wal-Mart) 2. Jeans.  Think about it: jeans would hardly exist without underwear.  No one in their right mind would ever want to wear them if underwear were not around.  3. Aestheically pleasing.  Lots of underwear are pretty adorable, especially if you go with the cheap ones at Wal-Mart.  Cartoon charactors, seasonal designs, they are pretty aweso...

Today I Am Thankful For Not Having A Baby

I want children very much.  But had I conceived when I first started trying, both my birth experience and my life would be much more stressful. Since I have had all this time to study up on birth practices and statistics, I now know things that will make it much safer and gentler to give birth.  If I had immediately gotten pregnant, I would have given birth in a hospital, on my back, probably been given pitocin, and possibly an epidural.  My babies would have been vaccinated (a controversial post on that coming after Thanksgiving) on the regular schedule.  I would have used disposible diapers all the time.  Now I feel like I know better (this is NOT an insult to people who do the things I have just listed.  I just have learned the dangers of these things and feel its best to avoid them). Michael and I are much more settled right now then we were three years ago.  We have an apartment, he has a full-time job that pays decently and he loves, I work at...


Today in church the pastor was talking about thankfulness.  I am not good at being thankful.  Well thats not entirely true.  I am very appreciative of gifts I receive.  I am just not good at having a thankful spirit is more accurate. I tend to whine and complain about every little thing, driving my husband insane.  Apparently when Moses and the children of Isreal were complaining God smote them.  I don't remember the verse, but it said he was displeased.  I am thinking that whining still displeases God, so I am going to make an attempt to be more upbeat.  Especially since when I have kids I will expect them to have a cheerful disposition even when doing things that are less than entertaining.  So starting today, and ending on Thanksgiving, I am going to write about something I am thankful for everyday.  These will be in no particular order, except for the one I am planning for Thanksgiving is the most important, but otherwise, its...

I'm Drawing A Blank...

So lately my blog has suffered from lack of use.  I just can't think of what to write.  I still have my list of ideas, but I have to find it, because, like everything else I touch, I lost it.  So this is a pretty boring entry.  I had a birthday, on the 7th, so I am now officially old.  Well not officially, but still.  I am about 4-6 years older than I thought I would be at this point in my life (childless, living with a room mate in an apartment).  I get to baby-sit at my house now, which is awesome.  At the end of the month I am going to visit my family out of state.  (Sorry trick-or-treaters, we won't be here to hand out candy)  Which is fun, but sad.  Fun for obvious reasons, sad because my husband works retail so he isn't allowed to have time off at the holidays.  :(  Hopefully they will head over here. I tried making bread in my bread machine.  It turned out pretty good.  Fruit flies seem to su...

Why Don't You Cover Up Already? For That Matter, Why Don't I?

  2 Now I commend you ( B ) because you remember me in everything and ( C ) maintain the traditions ( D ) even as I delivered them to you. 3 But I want you to understand that ( E ) the head of every man is Christ, ( F ) the head of a wife [ a ] is her husband, and ( G ) the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, 5 but every wife [ b ] who prays or ( H ) prophesies ( I ) with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same ( J ) as if her head were shaven. 6 For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. 7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since ( K ) he is the image and glory of God, but ( L ) woman is the glory of man. 8 For ( M ) man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 9 Neither was man created for woman, but ( N ) woman for man. 10 That is why a wife...

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You...

Yesterday I was watching Baggage, because I am a sucker for guilty pleasure TV.  Anyways, most of the time they have really weird/scary/slutty baggage.  Like the lady who had slept with 115 people.  Or the guy with a satanic tattoo on his chest "Its all in fun" was his excuse.  But this guys baggage was admirable.  He said that he is the real life 40 year old virgin.  Why on earth he went on the show is beyond me, maybe he had never watched it before.  He said that he was raised really well and was religious and that it was important to him to wait until he was married.  She turned him down of course, because she was a whore. Anyways, I am sure you have heard the whole, "You wouldn't buy a car without test driving it" analogy as to why you should engage in premarital sex.  This guy had the perfect response to this (not verbatim): "Which would you rather buy; an old junker that has a bunch of miles on it and engine problems, or a brand new pr...