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Miss Baby Breaks Her Face (Part 1)

This afternoon my mom and I took the kids shopping at Value Village.  Little Guy and Miss Baby were pretty good, but got a bit cranky towards the end, while I was trying on clothes.  My mom had a couple things to try on too, so she went in and I took the kids.  As soon as my mom got her pants off, Miss Baby tripped over her own feet and face planted onto the cart.  Most of the time I have the kids get themselves up, see if they are okay, and tell them it was a good fall, and they move on.  I was pretty sure that this time was going to be a lot worse then usual.  Unfortunately I was right.

I had been holding Little Guy, and I stuck him back in the cart seat and picked her up.  She was bleeding profusely from her forehead.  Apparently, on some carts, the covers of the wheels are sharp metal and that is where she landed.  Thankfully she didn't fall 1/2 an inch closer or it would have been REALLY bad, with an eye injury.  I called for my mom, who by this time wasn't wearing pants, because she was trying on a dress.  I brought Miss Baby into the dressing room with her and ran back to Little Guy, because I realized that I hadn't fastened him into the cart in my mild panic about Miss Baby.  

At this point I had blood all over my boobs, but I hadn't noticed that.  I took Little Guy over to the cash register and asked if there was a first aid kit.  The girl told me no, but she could get me a band-aid.  I didn't really think a band-aid would cut it, and was like, "well she fell on her face on the cart and is bleeding a lot, and I think she might need stitches so...", at which point another lady led me over to the most pathetic first aid kit ever - just alcohol pads and band-aids.  I asked for paper towels, and was handed some of those crappy brown non-absorbent towels.  But it was better than nothing.  Then I was asked if I wanted to fill out a report, I said "Um, what for?  I am not going to sue you guys..." because I am not going to.

We went back to my (still pantsless) mother and Miss Baby and cleaned the pretty horrible gash on her face.  My mom applied pressure with the paper towels, and we decided we should probably take her to the ER.  But I had to take Miss Baby, and my mom had to, you know, get dressed.  So first I took Little Guy out to ask a random lady to hold him, because, well I can only hold one baby at a time if one of the babies needs to be held with pressure applied to her head.  Then I put the band-aid on her head and held her while my mom got dressed.  

Then we had to decide on a hospital to go to.  We were quite a lot closer to the big hospital, but the ER there tends to have an hours long wait, and the smaller one was further away, but never has a super long wait.  I decided that the short wait, and the very close proximity to my house in case they required proof that I am her foster mom was better than the shorter trip to the big hospital.  

On the way there, Miss Baby was quite certain that "Owie all better.  Owie gone.  Go home."  We decided that since she doesn't have any medical experience we were not going to take her word for it, and continued to the hospital. 

The receptionist at the hospital was an idiot, and felt that it was appropriate to keep asking us to wait while she answered the phone, although after we had been standing for a good 3 minutes (keep in mind we are LITERALLY the ONLY people in the room) she did ask if everyone was breathing before closing the window and talking for a few more minutes.  Happily she was actually pretty nice once we got service.  I told her what happened and she was like "And you want to get stitches cause she is a girl and you want her to grow up pretty."  I thought it was a weird thing to say (but kind of true LOL).  

to be continued... 


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